In the last years, we saw the creation of several techniques for Java Web interfaces development. From applets to servlets, servlets to JSP, JSP to Struts and now JavaServer Faces.
Using a web framework based on the Model View Controller (MVC) project pattern may simplify the construction of Web applications in Java. In order to developers focus more efforts on the application domain representation rather than on employed technologies, web frameworks implement several project patterns and good practices, abstracting part of the complexity involved on applications development process.
Because it is a pattern with a very extensible architecture, MVC inspired the creation of many web frameworks, such as Apache Struts; Apache Cocoon; Spring MVC; WebWork and JavaServer Faces.
Among all these web frameworks, there are two that must be emphasized. On of them is Apache Struts Web Application Framework, the most popular among Java community. It is supported by Apache Software Foundation (ASF). The other web framework is conquering the admiration of the community. Its name is JavaServer Faces. Even though it doesn’t have Struts legacy, JSF attracts people because it brings back the interfaces development based on components and events.